May starts off with some Latin for Cinco de Mayo! Next we have a great cardio workout, Hop Skip & a Jump, that is more simple on the…
Any ’90’s teenager is familiar with line dancing. This was the decade where it hit big time and as a youth, it was fun to learn a dance…
If you don’t have much time but you need a good workout, try this awesome 10 minute workout you can do at home! In just 10 minutes, we…
Did you run track in high school? I wasn’t really an athlete. My sister was. Sometimes I would join her on her runs after school in our neighborhood.…
“Please ask for assistance with items on the top shelf”. When you are taller than the average person, you ignore these signs. I myself am tall, my husband…
April is gonna be another fun month for workouts at home! Enjoy another kickboxing workout – KICKBOXING JACK has quite a few different jacks in it. Have you…
Active traditions are a great way to get into a group fitness goal! Let’s celebrate the gift our bodies are by being active. And in April, let’s make…