My grandma lived way out at the base of a mountain. Like the words to the song, we literally crossed a huge wash that flooded every monsoon season to get to her house. There was so much adventure waiting at grandma’s house with horses and countryside all around. The older cousins would wake up earliest to get the first shift riding horses while the younger kids took the second shift. The horses could always tell when we were headed back home and quickened their pace.
I wanted to choreograph a routine that would fit with the Thanksgiving theme. And since this holiday is linked with overeating, I needed the workout to get the job done! This cute song fulfills both purposes – we get a Thanksgiving themed workout with a ton of plyometrics to give us all the extra burn we need this time of year. I want to make the most of my workout time, and you will feel that in this awesome challenging 45 minute cardio workout.
Take yourself into the outdoors in this cardio workout! Picture the adventure to be had “over the river and through the woods” while you jump, leap and skip all over your space in this awesome plyometric workout! Hopping, leaping and kicking will keep your heart rate up, while squatting, slamming and thrusting down to the ground will give you the tone in your lower body. For best results, do this workout at least four times this month to get all the steps down and to move through the soreness in your legs! You’ll love the Pivot Jacks, Creek Leaps and Kicking Man. You can do this as you picture the Thanksgiving song in November, or whenever you need a fun and challenging cardio workout!
You need every second of the stretch in the cool down. The message I found to share is very fitting too.
In John chapter 6 of the New Testament, the Savior performed a most interesting miracle. With just a few fish and a few loaves of bread, the Savior fed 5,000. I have read this account many times, but there is a part of that experience I missed that now has great meaning to me. After the Savior fed 5,000, He asked His disciples to gather up the remaining fragments, the leftovers, which filled 12 baskets. I have wondered why the Savior took the time to do that. It has become clear to me that one lesson we can learn from that occasion was this: He could feed 5,000 and there were leftovers. “My grace is sufficient for all men.”9 The Savior’s redeeming and healing power can cover any sin, wound, or trial—no matter how large or how difficult—and there are leftovers. His grace is sufficient.
With that knowledge, we can move forward with faith, knowing that when difficult times come—and they surely will—or when sin encompasses our lives, the Savior stands “with healing in his wings,”10 inviting us to come unto Him.
Elder Brent H. Nielson
There is so much grace for us to partake of, that there are leftovers. Never forget that. His sacrifice includes you. It always has and always will.