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The fight against back problems begins with your core. Yep, you read that right. Well, actually, the fight begins with managing stress and your emotional well being. But after that, it’s your core. Once upon a back injury, a physical therapist told me that I need to stretch my back and strengthen my core. This is a recipe for success in all of life actually. When you have a strong core, you can properly support any lifting or big movements your body does. I like to get a 2 for 1, so I like to work my abs while I’m doing my cardio.

This is where we show our ABS some love! The challenge in doing cardio abs, is finding moves that engage your core enough to be challenging for your core and your heart at the same time. Enter long levers. The further your fingers are away form your body, the more work your core has to do to keep control of them. Nobody cares about having hip flexors of steel, so any leg or knee lifts must be activated through the abdominal muscles. Which means, no day-dreaming! So now we have the perfect framework for a routine that challenges your cardio conditioning and your ab strength!

It’s all about the love for your ABS in this fun 30 minute Aerobics Class you can do at home! Show that tummy some love with fun moves that engage your core all throughout a great cardio workout! Each combination as an A & B section. We focus on using the abs to move your arms and legs all around. This delivers a real total body challenge! Reach your fitness goals with this workout you can do at home all month long! (or whenever you want!) Your fave moves will be the Side-winder and the Push-over! At the end of each workout, I share an uplifting, often Christian devotional, while we stretch. 


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