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With holiday treats and parties, this is the time of year when you need to keep working out the most. But also when fitting in a workout is the most difficult. Christmas choir concerts, band concerts, dance recitals, events, church parties, work parties and school parties fill up the calendar. And treats for your friends and neighbors fill up your kitchen! Why can’t I make a batch without putting cookie dough in my mouth?

Crazy Daisy, trimmed to be a 20 minute workout, is a great way to get your sweat in. A little bit of crazy for your exercise will fit right in with some crazy holiday busyness.

Here’s a little crazy for your workout! And I do mean little. In just 20 minutes you will get all you need from an aerobics routine! The choreography gets a little goofy, crazy, and out there with moves like: Embarrass Yourself Runningman, Lolly Kicks and the Lightning Jog. Have fun going a little CRAZY in this challenging cardio workout!


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