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I love Mondays! It’s not a popular opinion because most people see it as the start of a long week full of work, appointments and never ending to-do lists. I found the secret about Mondays though. It’s the first workout of the week (my fave), the fresh start to another chance at conquering to-do lists and a clean slate to accomplish your goals! Doesn’t that energize you? Think of Monday as the day you have the most charge in your batteries. You can be a go-getter with the right balance of determination and zaniness.

I think most people have a little bit of a perfectionist and oddball inside them. That is the inspiration behind this fun cardio workout. Sometimes it’s best to hunker down, follow through and stay focused and controlled to get the job done. Other times it’s best to let loose, act up, energize and freak out to keep yourself sane! So here’s the marriage of the two sides in one focused and energized cardio routine that you can do at home.

This is a workout for the “control” part of you & the “freak” part of you. Each combination has a purposeful control part that will force you to use y our core and balance to complete the exercise. Followed by a section where you take that movement to the crazy level and FREAK OUT! Your heart rate will be all over the grid here as you challenge your body with this challenging and fun cardio workout! Your fave moves will be the Hopping Motown, Double Paper Route and Squat Knee Crunch.

The Spiritually Minded Women Podcast I refer to in the stretch section can be found here. Episode 40. This quote is found around minute 23.

We always believe our thoughts. And at some point in my journey through learning all these tools, I heard, ‘You don’t have to believe every thought you think’ …. So when a thought comes in like, ‘You’re ruining your children,’ oh ya that sounds true. And now I think that is how Satan gets to us. He doesn’t get to us through the overt ways, ‘Ok, you should start stealing’… that’s not gonna happen. But it does happen just through those sly and subtle thoughts that come into our minds that sound pretty believable to us. And when I believed that I was ruining my children, I felt really discouraged. I felt a lot of shame. I’m not gonna go from that energy to the Savior. It’s so polar opposite. I’m gonna hide myself because I’m not doing good enough.

Crystal Haitsma

I hope that after doing this fun cardio workout with me, your day is a little brighter!


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