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Any ’90’s teenager is familiar with line dancing. This was the decade where it hit big time and as a youth, it was fun to learn a dance that an entire crowd of people could do.  The early version of flash mob dancing. But I don’t actually like the title of this genre, “line dancing”. I prefer to call it “crowd dancing”. Some people roll their eyes at a line dance as a thing of the past. So if we change the name, it sounds more up to date!

This particular choreography came as a combination of something I made up for a production of High School Musical and inspiration from Brooke White’s song, “Boots”. The grapevine is a timeless move to use in line/crowd dances. There’s a little bit of latin flavor in this countrified song, so the cha cha just slipped right in. I love how it all came together and it’s fun to transition to another wall. Have fun with this one!

This is a great easy line dance you can learn at home! Teach it to your family, youth group, posse, and film it at your next dance party! We all need to celebrate small wins and this short dance is so easy to learn and fun to do! Whip it out when you reach your goals, make tough decisions or conquer your to do list! And it works for most any song, too. The song I choreographed it to is “Boots”, by Brooke White. The message: get your boots on when it’s “go” time! Work hard, make a mark and put your boots on!

You can download BOOTS here!


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