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If you are stressed out or frustrated, a little bit of stomping should get some of it out. Every time you march or stomp, you are strengthening the bones in your legs. It’s true! Your body responds to the stress you’re putting on your legs by creating & releasing bone strengthening bone matrix from your osteoblasts. It is such a cool concept! We all need stronger bones, so this short workout at home will do just that and release some frustration too!

You don’t have much time, so this 10 minute workout you can do at home needs to count! In “Stomping Giant”, you will tone your legs, strengthen your heart and burn fat. This short cardio workout will give you energy for your day, help prevent osteoporosis and fight stress! For a more challenging workout, get lower in your squat jumps and add a hop to the knees. If you need lower impact options, you can always tap out during the jacks. Your favorite move will be the Showtime Run – trust me, your abs will feel this one!

If you are stressed out or frustrated, a little bit of stomping should get some of it out. Every time you march or stomp, you are strengthening the bones in your legs. It’s true! Your body responds to the stress you’re putting on your legs by creating & releasing bone strengthening bone matrix from your osteoblasts. It is such a cool concept! We all need stronger bones, so this short workout at home will do just that and release some frustration too!

You don’t have much time, so this 10 minute workout you can do at home needs to count! In “Stomping Giant”, you will tone your legs, strengthen your heart and burn fat. This short cardio workout will give you energy for your day, help prevent osteoporosis and fight stress! For a more challenging workout, get lower in your squat jumps and add a hop to the knees. If you need lower impact options, you can always tap out during the jacks. Your favorite move will be the Showtime Run – trust me, your abs will feel this one!


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