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Sometimes you just want to punch something. Am I right? Kickboxing is one of my most favorite things to do, period. It’s a great way to get your cardio in, get really sweaty, and bonus, tone up the arms too. Fight combinations are a fun way to get out some stress with creative aggression. That could be the name of this workout actually, “Creative Aggression”. Throwing punches, kicking away whatever is in your way, it feels good to do some damage . . . even if it’s just to the air. 

I actually came up with this routine right before my family took a trip to Disney World. With pics of my notes on my phone, I would go through some combos while waiting in line for rides  . . . I gotta use that waiting time wisely. Turns out it was a great use of my time, coming up with the best way to teach each combo. Listen, I don’t mind getting funny looks from other people in line with me, so I actually made a lot of progress. Don’t judge the people around you waiting in line randomly kicking and punching and squatting; they might be preparing for a workout class.

Put your dukes up! This fast moving workout is an advanced kickboxing cardio workout designed to keep you on your toes. Use the rewind swipe and repeat this workout as often as you need to. You won’t get bored with moves like Float Like a Butterfly Sting Like a Bee, Bus Driver and Pardon My Reach. There’s even a pump it up section to help you maximize your thirty minutes and scorch some serious calories in this fun at home kickboxing workout!


We can never get enough encouragement. Reminders to have faith and grow your faith are needed everyday. And yes, even after a workout.

Faith takes work. Receiving revelation takes work. But ‘everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.’* God knows what will help your faith grow. Ask, and then ask again. A non-believer might say that faith is for the weak. but this assertion overlooks the power of faith.

Russell M. Nelson

Faith is powerful. Ask for faith again. Find out what you can do to grow your faith.

I hope that after doing this workout, your day is a little Brighter!

*Matthew 7:8


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