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Sometimes dancing in the kitchen is an escape. Sometimes dancing in the kitchen is a release. Sometimes dancing in the kitchen is a pick-me-up. And sometimes dancing in the kitchen is inspiration for a workout! I can’t help myself when my jams come on, I gotta move. And I can’t help it if the moves that I bust out get my heart rate way up! When you dance in your kitchen, do you get sweaty?  

Wanna jazz up your cardio today? This 30 minute aerobic workout you can do at home will get your heart rate way up while bringing the fun factor! Yes, you can get super sweaty while doing a fun workout that’s a little dancey. So many workouts that have some dance steps in it, don’t actually get your heart rate up enough to be a cardio workout. “A Little Dancey” is the aerobics video that dials in a little dancey-ness with a lot of sweatiness! If any of the aerobic combinations are tricky, rewind and review until you get it. All my classes on Brighter Fitness are meant to be done all month long with some trickiness, s it doesn’t get boring. Your favorite moves will be the Runningman (of course), Knee Twitch Switch and the Slicing Knees. Hey there! My name is Greta! I’m married to the man of my dreams and the mother of 7 children. I’m an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor and I love teaching aerobics. I am a devout Christian and I love including Christ in my fitness classes.  


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